However, a mint in the original box example can still bring big dollars. Edit: See? DWalt beat me to it! I don't have one real close but is from February These guns were made from to in a serial number range of about to I would guesstimate yours as early 's. My guess from looking at the grips would in the 20s sometime, but smarter folks than me will be along to help soon. Did you measure the barrel from the front of the cylinder? I ask because it looks to me more like a 6 inch rather than 5. Werlcome to the Forum! I like your humble user name! You have a nice revolver with what appears to me to be the original finish. There were no significant changes made to the design and mechanics of those revolvers from toand after several major changes to the works, it became the Model 10 in It's as good a revolver as anything you can buy today. It has period-correct grips on it, and probably original. Theresa Lv 4.Click Here To Find Out! Lucky scooter RE: What year is my Smith and Wesson 38 special? Judith Lv 4. Just my wild assed guess is probably somewhere in the s but do not quote me on that. Do you want to increase the value to a collector? Can't help this guy as I lost my Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, anybody have one who can provide a good answer. When good examples surface and collectors are around the prices skyrocket. Yours is "probably" not a military contract revolver. How do I know what model is it? If you are in any way able to help me find the date of manufacture that would be You are lucky, The model was mostly chambered in 30 Colt Cartridge some were chambered in 38 Special for sale to the public. Also on the cylinder it has the same digits as the bottom of handle. I'm looking at a Smith and wesson right now and it doesn't have a model or anything it has digits on the bottom of the handles and inside by the yoke it has 4 numbers which those are serial numbers. If you are in any way able to help me find the date of manufacture that would be nice. I am wondering of the year for which my revolver was manufactured.