Independent Characters may join units from within their own Force Organisation chart detachment, but not the other. The separate Force Organisations within an Army Group operate as separate forces on the table, but may still target units within each force for psychic powers etc. Contrary to the normal and Rite of War specific Allied Force rules, you may take two separate Force Organisation chart detachments as a single “Army Group”.Leviathan and Onslaught force organization charts are permitted.The Legio Traitoris Group play house rules that we feel adds a bit more fun the game and allows some more freely narrative army building. This game would see brand new Book 9 Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Iron Hands and Raven Guard facing off against Book 9 Night Lords, Emperors Children and Daemons of the Ruinstorm in a tumultous and carnage battle. No On the 22nd May 21 a 4TK Gaming the Legio Traitoris gaming group met up with a whopping 13,500pts per side (27,000pts total) to fight out the first game we’ve managed in over a year. III & VIII LEGION IDENT CODES CONFIRMED Paracel VI Auspex Servitor 1C-22X INTRODUCTION